Tag Archive for: iconography

These two icons were done for private commissions.

Saint Margaret of Scotland was an unusual Saint for me to paint mostly because she is not the traditional Orthodox Saint Margaret who is also combined with Saint Marina, who is a strong, awesome, devil-whipping saint. Saint Margaret Queen of Scotland was born in the year Hungary in 1045, nine years before the Great Schism (1954) between the Eastern Catholic (Orthodox) Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Margaret was married to Malcolm III of Scotland and had 8 children three of whom later became kings. She was very pious in her private life, supported Church reform in Scotland and invited the Benedictine monks to set up a monastery in Fife, where the Church of St. Andrews was built, and later established a ferry for pilgrims to visit the monastery church.

Saint Cecilia is traditional in Orthodox iconography since she is a third century Saint born in Rome. She is venerated as a patron Saint of music and musicians because it is said that she sang to the Lord in her heart while musicians played at her marriage ceremony. This composition was unusual in that the person who commissioned the icon asked that there be music in the background of the icon and that the Saint hold an instrument in her hands. However, Saint Cecilia is a martyr and martyrs are usually represented holding a cross. However, she does wear a bright red robe, which is also indicative of martyrdom.